LOW and WIDE (8") 127 Rear Brake Hose Question

  • Hi there,

    Anyone lowered their Fiat 127 excessively with 8" wheels in the rear and had to modify their rear brake lines?

    I have lowered mine with 8"xET0 and the rear brake lines connect with the inner wheel/rim.

    I initially cable tied them out of the way and that lasted for a 10 minute drive where the cables broke under pressure.

    I then used metal hose clamps as a temporary measure to get me to the wheel alignment which succeeded until I got home and found the rear brakes leaking fluid.

    What are you all using for "stanced" Fiat 127s?

    The car drives really well now, almost like the original, no rubbing etc.

    I just need to sort the rear brake lines out and then this car is ready to go to my interior guy to fit some new mid back bucket seats and fabric/leather.

    I was thinking of buying stainless lines and modifying the mounting bracket to suit.

    Edited 2 times, last by SBJ01 ().

  • if you use straight-in braided brakehoses instead of the banjo style mounted versions , its a lot easyer to avoid them touching the inner side of the rims.


    Are you aware of anything off the shelf that would work in this instance, or am I going to be looking at getting some bespoke ones made up?

    I have had a quick look online this morning and a lot of the ones with the correct male/female fittings are all 30" or longer, I'll have a more in depth look tonight when I get home from work.

  • Do you have a piture from underneath of the vehicle that shows the situation?



    Excuse the basic drawings as I am not near my vehicle to jack it up and photograph

    But the below images are basically how they were, and how they are now after clamping them back to keep them away from the inner rim.

  • do you have acces to goodridge products down under ?

    i dont know if they have something of the shelf or if you have to get some bespoke product made.
    i,m not quite familiar with the range of aftermarket products available in your surroundings...

  • Ok,

    I just found out an old mate of mine who owns a clutch and brake business can do custom HEL brake lines so he's going to make me a set.

    I think I'll go 90 degree from the chassis and straight line it to the assembly. (But will assess that once I have it apart again)

    Thanks for the straight line tip.

  • I'm not sure if there is any difference in these per continent as this is a RHD version made in New Zealand but the metal line is shaped to go in from underneath and up through the bracket

    Tbh if the metal line looped in from underneath the chassis to face downwards it would look wrong.

    There are no issues with clearance when using the stock wheels and even the cromodora wheels I had in here previously which were 5.5", but with these 8" wheels they are FAT on the back with little room anywhere.

    • Official Post

    There are both variants described here for the Fiat 127:

    In Serie 1 as your 127 the brake hose goes from the top of the bracket

    But in later models, the hose leads from the bracket down to the brake.

    However, in the latest 127/147 Fiorino you find again the first Version...see pictures

    • Official Post

    Here I show again an original photo of my 127 Series 1, but this car is without lowering.

    Maybe the brake hoses in your 127 are not properly installed - or they´re too long in this position.

    If you really want switch to the later Version, then you must make sure that the brake hoses are then long enough, because with the maximum lowering of your 127, the radius of the hose can be too small.

    The best would be a photo of your brake to compare the mounting Position

    • Official Post

    For this purpose the following brake hoses are provided as standard in the Fiorino on the front brake.

    So, first you should make sure in your further project that the length in relation to the lowering will allow this possibility.

    You may also be able to use the flexible metal hoses, these are also available for the Fiat 127 for example:

  • Yes, as I stated above I have a friend who will be making me some custom HEL stainless lines, I think I will do a 90 degree right off the metal bracket and aim it right towards the drum.

    (I had to lie on the ground before work and just aim my phone up into any gap I could) Not the best image to depict how it is/was rubbing but the hose literally pushes up against the inner rim, mine looks EXACTLY like 127-UWE's "brake3.jpg" image above when not clamped

    Lowering it excessively balloons the hose out towards the wheel.

    Bear in mind that I have ~4cm lowering blocks installed in the rear with the 8" wheels so is low and as you may notice the cable no longer goes "down" to the drum as the drum is now pretty much higher than the bracket where the metal line ends.

    * Disregard the metal hose clamp as this was last minute and temporary to get me to the wheel alignment that I had booked in which was 100 meters from my house.

    * I initially used cable ties to do this and drove it up and down my driveway hitting the brakes hard and the cables snapped so used the metal clamps to get me down the road and back.

    * I do not think this would be an issue with 7" wheels or smaller.