Ignition advance data

  • Hello,

    I'm looking for ignition advance curve for A112 Abarth with Magneti Marelli centrifugal advance distributor /verteiler?

    Does somebody here know where can I find this info.

    Thank you,

  • That will be great if you can find it.
    I found one in "A112 - Concise shop manual" but it is for Swedish version of Elegant.
    It is for Marelli 407 P4 distributor which is I belive different like that in Abarth.

    I need this data because I will install programmable ignition controller in my A112. You can find it here .

    Does somebody here have some experience with something like that?

  • I swapped my Abarth distributor with a Van Kronenburg KMS ignition controller. Also distributorless. I will try to copy the data to this forum but the curve might not work for you as I'm driving with a 270 or 286 deg. camshaft (don't know for sure which.. I'm sorry), high compression pistons, bigger intake valves etc. You might want to adjust the times a little bit but at least you'll have something to start with.

  • It will be great for beginning.
    Yes, I will probably need to adjust numbers as I have almost stock engine. Just ported head with little higher compression.
    Does your system use TPS or MAP sensor for engine load?
    Is there some noticable difference since you install controller?

  • I think you'll have to wait till tomorrow. For adjusting the controller I run windows on my laptop, but now it needs some activation or something. I use a TPS.
    The main difference is that I have adjusted the system so I have more power in the higher revs without knocking in the lower revs. It is far more accurate than an ignition with a mechanical distributor so it runs a lot better in every situation. It is less a compromise than a mechanical distributor.

  • kann mir jemand das diagramm erklären? sind die verschiedenen spalten verschiedene testdurchläufe? welcher war der beste?

    offtopic: die neuen macs mit intel chipsatz sind alle windowsfähig.

    mfg sebastian

  • sebastian,
    y-achse (senkrecht) ist drehzahl, x-achse (waagrecht) ist wohl position der drosselklappe (jens´anlage läuft mit TPS-sensor: trottle-position-sensor oder so ähnlich) dh. wenn er bei 1000 u/min vorsichtig gas gibt, hat er 16,5 grad frühzündung, wenn er bei 1000 u/min voll drauf hält, gibts nur 9,2 grad, damits nicht klingelt, etc.
    geiles system wie ich finde!
    gruß eli

  • Das gleiche habe ich auch in meinem Panda 16V. Ich nutze allerdings nur die Drehzahlverstellung ohne DK-Poti.
    Mir gefällt vor allen der schöne, niedrige, konstante Leerlauf, den man erreicht, indem man die Vorzündung bei niedriger Drehzahl wieder anhebt.

  • Zitat von Abarthracing

    Offtopic: Windows on a Mac? ;)

    Yes! I don't want to buy a windows laptop just for adjusting the ignition :)

    Stimmt eli.m!It really is a nice system. I'm still adjusting a few bumps and dips in the curve, but when that is finished it runs very smooth. Sorry for the english, my german is very bad.

    Commercial break :wink: KMS website (the ignition system I'm using)

  • Thanks Jensw!

    It is not too late because my engine is still not running. I have some problems with engine-head.
    Can you explain me row 0. You set advance from 9 to 1 deg. and then at 3500 rpm jump to 15deg. Why?
    I will also need to recalculate advances as my ECU have only 10x10 matrix.

  • Row 0 is when the gas pedal is in its neutral position.
    You must know that this is a temporary ingnition map for me. The engine runs nice, but still not perfect.
    The jump at 3500 rpm is to prevent the banging out of the exhaust pipe. When you go to load 0 at higher than 3000-3500rpm the partially unburnt mixture will go out of the cilinders into the exhaust manifold. And because (if there wouldn't be any advance) the ignition timing is very late, it will explode in the exhaust. Some might think it sounds nice, but on the public road it's 'a bit overdone' :wink:.

    What is your engine setup? Mine is a 34DMTR carburetor, high compression pistons and a fast road camshaft. All these things influence how far you can go with the ignition advance, so mine ignition map might not work optimal for you.

  • I have more or less stock engine. Only the head is ported and compression is higher.
    Probably I will need to set litle less advance.