Kamber und Toe in/out

  • I also have to decide where I will be using my car the most. On the street it is not too good to have too much negative Camber and Toe as this will increase the wear of the wheel bearings and tyres but on the race track it is good to have more negative camber and toe for the handling.

    I would like to find a middle solution, a setting that is gentle on my tyres but still good enough for the handling. I think the setting i wrote before would be pretty god, but i dont really know :(

    The setting I have now is not very good as it is set to be as neutral on the tyres as possible and straight as possible, plus it looks stupid when the tyres go like this \ / :?

    Which setting would fit me better ?
    I have bielstein cup kit with the osrav shox (35mm). The car is not very low actually compared to others here. I have Yokohoma A539 175/50 -13 tyres on 6x13 wheels. My bushes are not new.


  • Zitat von gatti500

    die aussies habe schon länger probleme mit links und rechts, fahr da mal ne stunde in einen kleinstadt ohne von einen angefahren zu werden.....

    könnte vielleicht daran liegen, daß du in Australien auf der rechten Seite gefahren bist? :D

  • Zitat von tuotila

    In your case I'd stay at the original recomandations except for the camber at the front, which I'd change to 30' negative or 1° negative at maximum.


    Original recomandations under belasted oder leer?

    I would say the car is pretty "belasted" with my 93 kilos in it.
    ( I know..im a fatty :) )

  • Here is my new data. What do you think?

    Camber left -1.25 -1.20
    Camber right - 1.07 -1..4

    Toe left + 0.20 -1.24
    Toe right + 0.06 +0.41

    Caster left +1.34 +2.11
    Caster right +1.35 +1.31

    Camber left +0.05 -0.13
    Camber right -0.04 +0.00

    Toe left +0.03 +0.23
    Toe right +0.03 +0.19

    The toe back is not optimum but it was the best we could do. I wish I had more camber in the front but as mentioned before, this is only possible with special screws. Atleast now its better than before and i can now again drive more then 110km/h