Bosch-Einspritzanlage umbauen

  • Habe als Webmaster von folgende Anfrage bekommen, vielleicht kann ja jemand helfen.
    Hello ritmo fans,
    I have for daily use a ritmo 75 S and a very rusty 75
    CL i.e. with bosch l-jetronic EFI for spare parts as you can figure I'm planning to transplant the
    l-jetronic on my daily use ritmo 75S...but i need some
    electric diagrams regarding bosch l-jetronic on the
    ritmo for the operation success...I have a very good
    workshop book from RTE (in french) but covering not
    l-jetronic models...In Romania where I am from ritmo
    is a rare car and also technical if
    you can help me..thanks in advance...


    Best regards,