Beiträge von AbarthSwed

    My gears are skratching more and more! Ich glaube meine synkroniserings ringen kaputt sind. Kan man das reparieren oder muss man eine neues getriebe komplett kaufen?


    Yes thats the one...... :o

    Is that a modified bumper they have done themselfs or is it a kit that was availble as an option? Those arch extensions fit series 6 and 7! If you look closely you can see that they attached on the outside of the front bumper. No modification needed. I would really like to get some for my car.

    Brian....I really hope these are the ones you have

    May I ask where you found these pictures?

    Does anyone know where I can find more info or pics of this kit? It looks like a EVO modified front bumper with large extra lights.

    The picture is very small. The last one down to the right:

    Ist eine elektrische Benzinpumpe notwendig mit diesem umbau?

    Do you have pictures of these arch extensions that fit series 6?

    So far I have only the video from my crash and the other one that is here on the forum.


    Do you mean your piston rod? On the side of the rod should be two numbers or letters, these have face away (opposite) from the camshaft accorning to manual.

    Tell us a little more about your car?

    Ok danke.

    Ich habe von motor zum mitte orginal auspuff, aber die andere halbe ist nich original und es ist 50mm.

    Kan man auch von motor einen grösere auspuff teilen kaufen so das passt besserer mit die andere? 50 mm die ganzen weg.

    Weis jemand was fur einen sport auspuff hat Bielstein? Welche grösse ist es?

    (Please don't laugh at my bad german, hehe)

    Grusse aus Malmö nach Germany

    Hello guys

    Welche Auspuff grösse (size) ist die beste? 1", 1,5", 2" oder 2,5"

    Ich weis das zu klein ist nicht gut aber auch nicht zu gross!

    (Hope you understand my German )



    Abbi Schmitt schrieb am 23.11.2004 21:06
    It`s cheap,but the cam is to sharp for street and not good enough for race.
    Years ago i have used it for rallyes,that was OK!

    When you say its to sharp for the street what do you mean? Will I not be able to use its potential cuz the powerrange is altered? Please explain a bit more I really want to know. Tell me in German if you like

    I am fitting the cam and the ported head with an 34 DMTR weber and with an "erleichterte schwunngscheibe". I hope to reach 85 hp with this or more and that it will be a good powerrange for the street and once in a while on the track.
    What do you guys think?